Signup for LAPWARE ENGINE now to study for all levels of USCG License Exams. The program costs are:
Only $100.00 per month! You will have access 24-7 for the following 30 days.
You will also be chaged a setup fee of $50.00. Each month thereafter, your payment will be the montly renewal fee UPTO 12 months. PLEASE READ THE LICENSE AGREEMENT BELOW. You must provide your credit card information for each additional 30 days of usage. You will NOT be automatically billed. You can skip months if you are out to sea or attending classes or on vacation, etc. When you come back after your initial 30 consecutive days has expired just log in and you will be notified that you need to pay for the next 30 consecutive days of usage.
LAPWARE ENGINE never keeps track of users credit card numbers NOR does it automatically bills for the next 30 days of usage. You will be able to skip one or more months and come back only paying for the next 30 days of usage upon again providing your credit card information. After completion of your study and successfully passing your exam, if LAPWARE ENGINE is no longer being used, you will NOT continue to be billed! Again, you must provide your credit card for each additional 30 days of usage to be billed. If you don't use LAPWARE ENGINE and do not provide your credit card you will NEVER be charged for a month of non-usage. Your LAPWARE ENGINE license is only valid for 12 months from the original date of purchase. PLEASE READ THE LICENSE AGREEMENT BELOW. If you wish your files to be deleted after you have passed your license exam simply email the program administrators and provide your login name and password and all records of your study, tests, etc. will be erased.
ALL of soluitons for math problems have yet to be solved and posted. They will be solved and posted showing the needed reference tables so that the user understands fully how the problem was solved. NO ONE ELSE takes the time to provide this detailed reference information to their users. If we find that the soution is NOT close enough to the NMC answer the question is protested to the NMC. It is the NMC's database but we are doing our best to make sure that it remains as accurate as possible.
Maritime schools purchasing LAPWARE ENGINE for 20 or more students to use on a yearly basis will recieve an excellent discount. Contact the authors for a price quote.
By the purchase of an individual LAPWARE ENGINE license, you agree that access to the LAPWARE ENGINE program will be used by only YOU.
You agree NOT to distribute your login name and password to anyone else. If found to be doing so, you accept that your license will be deactivated with NO NOTICE and with NO REFUND being provided. Also, there will be no recourse to get your license re-established because you authorize the program administrators permission to delete all files associated with your original license. YOU AGREE THAT YOU MUST THEN PURCHASE A NEW LICENSE, paying the initial cost and set-up fees to use LAPWARE ENGINE.
Your initial purchase of your LAPWARE ENGINE license is valid for ONLY ONE YEAR.
You agree that after twelve (12) months, from your original date of purchase, LAPWARE ENGINE program administrators are authorized to permanently delete all files, tests, login name and password associated with your original license!
The ONLY way to maintain your license past the twelve (12) month period is to notify the LAPWARE ENGINE administrators who will then charge a fee of $200 for continual usage of the program allowing you to maintain all files, tests, etc. Therefore, anyone renewing their monthly license, who has been using LAPWARE ENGINE for more than one year, should immediately contact the program administrators via email OR risk the loss of all files.
If you wish a refund you should contact RICHARD PLANT directly at rm.plantmd@gmail.com. Not doing so and requesting a CHARGE BACK through your bank or credit card service will COST YOU a fee of $25. You agree upon purchasing LAPWARE to pay this fee under ALL CONDITIONS - NO EXCUSES or LIMITATIONS, if you first DO NOT contact Richard Plant for a refund for justifiable reasons. Justifiable reasons presented within the FIRST FEW DAYS of your purchase should be presented and that will determine whether your refund will be provided. ANYONE purchasing a LAPWARE renewal for a second month WILL NEVER be approved for a chargeback refund. After the first month's usage, you should know what you have purchased and to now request a refund or charge back is NOT justifiable. Purchasing DECK when you wanted ENGINE or vice versa is a justifable reason for a refund but ONLY within the first few days of purcahse, based upon limited logins and usage of the software and by first contacting Richard Plant to receive your full refund. Taking the approach of FIRST going through your Credit Card or Bank for the refund, if it is agreed to be paid by LAPWARE you will be charged a $25 fee for such action and this will be deducted from the overall cost you paid. A copy of this LICENSE AGREEMENT will be provided to your bank as proof of your willingness to pay the $25 fee. You hereby agree to pay this $25 cost if you take such actions. So please contact Richard Plant if you have any concerns about using LAPWARE.
Click Here To Signup